• JRG

    JRG - Junior Research Groups

    주요사업내역을 안내해드립니다.

    String Theory and Quantum Chromodynamics

    Group Introduction

    Solving the theory of strong interactions, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), is one of the major remaining problems in theoretical physics. Recent advances in gauge/gravity duality may help to shed light on the dynamics of the theory. This research group studies various topics at the interface of string theory, QCD, and other strongly interacting theories. Special focus is on QCD matter at finite density, where theoretical analysis is particularly hard. Gauge/gravity duality, supported by input from nuclear physics, lattice simulations, and perturbation theory, can provide answers to open questions in this regime, which is relevant for core-collapse supernova explosions and binary neutron star mergers. 


    • Professor Jarvinen received his PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2007. He has been working as a researcher at the University of Crete, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, Utrecht University, and Tel Aviv University before moving to APCTP in 2020.

      • 054-279-1336


      • 544



    Major Publications

    • Rapidly Spinning Compact Stars with Deconfinement Phase Transition

    • Perfect Fluid Hydrodynamic Picture of Domain Wall Velocities at Strong Coupling

    • Dense and Hot QCD at Strong Coupling