• SAG

    SAG - Senior Advisory Group

    Name Prof. Eli BARKAI
    Affiliation Bar Ilan University – 2022-06-01 ~ 2024-03-31
    Research Interest Dynamics of cold atoms in optical lattices.
    Nano science: Blinking quantum dots.
    Statistical physics: Foundations of weak ergodicity breaking.
    Biophysics: dynamics of single molecules in live cells.
    Dynamical systems: Infinite invariant measures and weak chaos.
    Fractional kinetics. Fractals,
    Single molecule photon statistics
    Career 2011: Received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Research Prize
    2009: Received the Bruno memorial award
    2006: Received the Krill prize for excellence in scientific research selected by the Wolf Foundation
    2004: Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Physics Department
    2022: Professor, Notre Dame Indiana
    1998: postdoctoral researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chemistry department
    B.Sc, M.Sc, and Ph.D., Tel-Aviv university