
  • Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Activities

    Scientific Programs

    Poster Image
    Title The 12th School of Mesoscopic Physics: Hybrid Quantum Systems
    Place Changeup Ground, POSTECH, Pohang
    Registration/Participants Organizers and invited speakers, please check your visit schedule for Pohang.
    The information you gave will be used for accomodation reservation.
    Date 2023-05-18~ 2023-05-20 (Registerable Date : ~ 2023-05-16)
    Program Category 1
    Organizer Myung-Ho Bae ( KRISS)
    Junho Suh ( POSTECH)
    Donghun Lee ( Korea Univ.)
    Hee Chul Park ( Pukyong National Univ.)
    Seok-Kyun Son ( Kyung Hee Univ.)
    Nojoon Myoung ( Chosun Univ.)
    Yong-Joo Doh ( GIST)
    Dohun Kim ( Seoul National Univ.)
    Gil-Ho Lee ( POSTECH)
    Heung-Sun Sim ( KAIST)
    Taegeun Song ( Kongju National Univ.)
    Overview The "School of Mesoscopic Physics" is a meeting to deliver the basic knowledge of mesoscopic physics to graduate students and to promote the information exchange, scientific discussions, and collaborations among scientists. In this year, the school aims to cover the topic of “Hybrid quantum systems”, which has recently attracted attentions.
    Topics 1. Quantum mechanical Resonators
    2. Hybrid quantum devices
    3. Hybrid quantum materials
    Invited Speakers Jinwoong Cha (KRISS)
    Sunghun Park (IBS)
    Dongkeun Ki (The University of Hong Kong)
    Gil-Ho Lee (POSTECH)
    Byoung-moo Ann (KRISS)
    Eva Weig (Technical University of Munich)
    Yoon Jang Chung (Korea University)
    Program - File #1
    Accomodationa & meals -YEONGILDAE (영일대) Hotel (5minutes by taxi from POSTECH)
    -Pohang Lahan (라한) Hotel (20 minutes by taxi from POSTECH)

    *During the School, meals will be provided
    -May 18: Dinner
    -May 19: Breakfast Lunch and Banquet
    -May 20: Breakfast
    Contact Sori Kim (
    Lecture notes 1. Dr. Sunghun Park
    2. Prof. Yoon Jang Chung
    3. Prof. Gil-Ho Lee
    4. Dr. Byoung-moo Ann
    5. Dr. Jinwoong Cha
    6. Prof. Dongkeun Ki
    7. Eva Weig
    Lecture notes - File #1 1. Quantum Device.pdf
    Lecture notes - File #2 2. GaAsAlAs quantum wells.pdf
    Lecture notes
    Lecture notes - File #1 3. Superconductivity & device applications.pdf
    Lecture notes - File #2 4. Circuit_QED.pdf
    Lecture notes
    Lecture notes - File #1 5. Quanutm_Tech.pdf
    Lecture notes - File #2 6. van der Waals heterostructures.pdf
    Lecture notes
    Lecture notes - File #1 7. Nanomechanical Systems.pdf
    Group Photo
    Group Photo - File #1
    2023-05-22 08;55;54 - 복사본.JPG